Types of aphasia

Carer giving speech therapy to elderly lady

Aphasia is the inability to speak, read, write and/or listen. Around 20-40% of stroke survivors will experience some degree of aphasia and thus can have a significant impact on their recovery. In this article we will explain the different types of aphasia. Global aphasia The most severe form of aphasia is global — it affects […]

Stroke prevention — what you need to know

Elderly man and woman walking hand in hand on an empty road in the countryside

As mentioned in the warning signs, there are elements of stroke we can control and others we don’t. Those factors that we can control have to do with our lifestyle and certain medical conditions that are preventable and treatable. Lifestyle changes Diet, exercise, and consumption of tobacco and alcohol, are all factors we can control […]

What are the types of stroke?

Doctor and patient discussing brain image

There are three main types of stroke; each one of them results in different treatment and recovery therapies.  Ischemic stroke An ischemic stroke occurs when a blockage, usually a blood clot, in an artery prevents blood flow to the brain. The lack of oxygenated blood flow will make brain cells stop working, which is why […]

Stroke risk factors — what we do and don’t control

Man getting his blood pressure checked

As with most diseases, there are elements of risk that we can control or do something about and others that we simply cannot do anything about. Below you’ll find information on inherent risk factors — meaning we all have them — and risk factors you can manage in order to prevent a stroke. Risk factors […]

Warning signs of a stroke

Man wearing blue shirt putting both hands on his chest.

Understanding and being aware of the warnings signs of a stroke  — as well as acting F.A.S.T — could save a life and make recovery easier for the survivor. F.A.ST. stands for FACE, ARM, SPEECH, TIME: F Is one side of the face dropping? Look at their eye, cheek or lips to check for any unusual asymmetry […]

COVID-19 and stroke patients

Caregiver wearing mask and elderly woman looking at a phone

The novel COVID-19 virus has shaken up our lives and with that comes more challenges when recovering from a stroke. In this article we will review what we know about the virus, how stroke patients have been affected, and what precautions stroke survivors need to take to be safe. What is COVID-19? This new coronavirus […]

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