
Ataxia is a neurological disorder characterized by lack of coordination in voluntary movements. It can result from a variety of conditions, including stroke. Stroke is a leading cause of long-term disability, affecting millions of people worldwide. In this article, we will discuss ataxia in stroke victims, its causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment. Causes of Ataxia […]

Survivor’s Guilt

Stroke is a serious and life-altering medical event that affects millions of people worldwide. Survivors of stroke often experience a wide range of emotions, including a feeling of guilt. This feeling, commonly known as survivor’s guilt, is a psychological phenomenon that is often experienced by those who survive a traumatic event while others do not. […]

Why Repetitions Matter

A stroke is a neurological condition that can have severe consequences, such as paralysis or weakness on one side of the body. Repetitions on the affected side are crucial in stroke rehabilitation because they help to retrain the brain and body to work together to perform movements that were once easy but now may be […]

Emotional Changes After a Stroke

A stroke is a life-changing event that can cause a range of emotional changes. It’s normal to experience feelings of sadness, anxiety, anger, and frustration after a stroke. These emotions can be difficult to cope with, but it’s important to remember that you’re not alone. In this blog post, we’ll explore emotional changes after a […]

Meditation and stroke recovery

Meditation can be daunting, but with the right tools it can change your life. Simple daily meditations can over time change the physiology, in other words the physical structure, of the brain in many ways. Specific parts of the brain, such as the cingulate cortex, are responsible for attention, emotional regulation, and mental flexibility. The […]

Neuroplasticity and stroke recovery

What is neuroplasticity and what role does it play in stroke recovery? The brain is an extremely complex part of the body, made up of billions of cells, called neurons. A stroke, however, can cause damage to neurons and their pathways, which causes impairments and deficits in functions of the brain. Fortunately, the brain has […]

Supporting someone with aphasia

Lady in speech therapy with stroke survivor elderly woman

It is estimated that 20-40% of stroke survivors will have some type of aphasia with varying degrees of impact in communication abilities. In this article we reviewed the different types of aphasia, and here we go over some tips that you may find useful when caring for a stroke survivor with aphasia. Stroke survivors with […]

7 goals to add to your recovery plan

Older man and woman sitting on a park bench laughing

Recovery after a stroke isn’t just about the physical aspect of getting your strength and mobility back. Our minds are so powerful they can hold us back or push us forward, which is why you should include some of these goals in your recovery plan: Be kind to yourself You’ll have highs and lows, days […]

Coping with uncertainty after a stroke

Multi colored arrows pointing in different directions against a cloudy sky

Uncertainty can be a large part of the stroke recovery journey. After a stroke, you may find yourself asking questions about what comes next, when will you regain your strength and mobility, why did this happen, and more. Every stroke is different and every recovery journey is different — there is no right or wrong […]

Disability after a stroke

Woman in wheelchair

Every year, 15 million people around the world are affected by stroke. Of those, it is estimated 50% will live with permanent or chronic disability. The physical and mental effects of surviving a stroke can significantly impact a survivor’s chances of recovery, mental wellbeing, and future life plans such as going back to work, traveling, […]